Hypnosis helps to solve the mystery of life, connects to the desires and intentions of your Soul so that you break through blocks and barriers to find your purpose in life. It can transform your life from a place of blocked stagnation to vitality during three to six or so sessions. Hypnosis brings a profound transformation and change at the level of Soul. This depth of work can significantly support your spiritual practice, like yoga, meditation, journal writing, martial arts or any other spiritual activities.
Past Life Regression
Exploration of past lives helps to understand fears and blocks in the current life. By using deep relaxation, guided meditation and interactive questioning you can access alternative aspects of consciousness to reveal the blocks, inhibitions and reoccurring patterns that prevent or hinder progress and vitality in current day life. You can spontaneously regress to a past life without any encouragement from the Hypnotherapist, or you can follow a specific request. Give yourself three to six or so sessions for the search of harmonious solutions for your situation and break repetitive false perceptions from many life times so you learn, let go and move on in an evolutionary process with greater health, love and happiness.
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